
Chadron Community Hospital Dialysis Services offers out-patient hemodialysis services to those with chronic renal failure.

The hemodialysis clinic currently operates four newly purchased BBraun Hemodialysis machines M-W-F.   Our hours of operation are from 5:30 AM until 4:00 PM.

Our hemodialysis unit recently expanded to operate 6 total  BBraun Hemodialysis machines plus a 7th machine located in a newly developed private / isolation room. 

Each BBraun machine is operated with 5 newly purchased single reverse osmosis water treatment systems and one double unit for optimum Ameriwater purification through Culligan water systems.

Patients can sit back and relax in the comfort of our champion reclining chairs and enjoy entertainment from their individual PDi communication systems at each dialysis station offering music, television, and internet / gaming options. 

Chadron Community Hospital Dialysis services is open to prospective patients per Physician referral only. Visiting patients are welcome to dialyze at Chadron Community Hospital Dialysis Services on a space available basis.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has issued a End Stage Renal Disease Quality incentive program 2021 Certificate of Dialysis Facility Performance Facility score of 100. This Total Performance Score (TPS) is a single number that tells how a facility performed in the ESRD QIP. Along with other CMS ESRD programs, it provides information on the quality of care provided by facilities. To learn more about ESRD QIP and other CMS Quality initiatives, visit: ESRD QIP webpage on CMS.gov: cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-patient-Assessment-instruments/ESRDQIP

Please contact Alynn Risseeuw, Social Worker at 308-432-0254 Tara Broberg, RN, Dialysis Manager at (308) 432-0253 for more information.

For more information check out our links below.


Have another question? .

Q. What are some causes of End Stage Renal Disease?

A. Diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes than ever before. Statistics show that 25-40% of individuals diagnosed with ESRD have diabetes. Our population is growing and living longer. Also, physicians are diagnosing ESRD early and are able to start dialysis treatment early so the person will tolerate dialysis therapy better.

Q. Once diagnosed with ESRD, do you have to dialyze to live?

A. Yes, ESRD is irreversible. The patient will have to choose a treatment option in order to continue with life. Mortality rate is 100% if the patient does not dialyze or transplant. Remember, while the person is waiting for a transplant they still have to dialyze until chosen.

Q. How often does a person on hemodialysis have to dialyze?

A. Three days a week on an average of 3-5 hours each treatment.

Q. How many patients will Chadron Community Hospital Dialysis Services be able to treat?

A. 14-16 total and it may be possible to add another chair in the future which will allow us to treat 18 patients a week.

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