Circle of Light

Circle of Light is a non-profit organization, associated with Chadron Community Hospital & Health Services whose mission is to help cancer patients and their families in Dawes, Sheridan, and Sioux Counties in Western Nebraska.

Circle of Light addresses one of the largest barriers to care in a rural setting - financial stress. The program provides short-term financial help and aims to decrease monetary barriers that hinder patients from getting and complying with effective treatment. The facilitators know firsthand that patients stop/miss treatment, don't take drugs, and don't eat well if they cannot afford it.

Through the funds raised "Circle of Light" will help to remove the barriers to compliance by easing financial stress, minimizing the effects of having to travel long distances for treatment, and assisting with resources or unforeseen circumstances during a patient's treatment.  Our program is also partially funded by grants from Susan G. Komen of Nebraska.

Persons who meet eligibility guidelines may apply for assistance for things such as:

  • Gas vouchers, providing reliable drivers, vehicles through assistance
  • Payment for motel rooms, when required to travel to treatment or stay overnight
  • Rent or utilities
  • Purchasing healthy food
  • Obtaining medications


To provide quality care and support to cancer patients, to remove the barriers to compliance to ease financial stress and concentrate on healing, and to minimize the effects of having to travel long distances for treatment.

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Our amazing Circle of Light committee includes (from left to right):  Brenda Rhembrandt, Tricia Thayer, Mitzi Hunt, Jodi Dannar, and Jeanie Martin.