A Certified Lactation Counselor is a person knowledgeable in breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding women can use the lactation counselors at Western Community Health Resources if they are on the WIC program. While on the WIC program, pregnant and breastfeeding women are contacted by Breastfeeding Peer Counselors. Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are women in the community who are on the WIC program, who have had personal breastfeeding experience and will provide information and support. They are trained by certified lactation counselors and consult with them frequently. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have had a baby in the past six months or have an infant or child under the age of five and are interested in the WIC program call (308) 432-8979 or 1-800-717-1231.
Prairie Pines Lodge
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Legend Buttes Health Services
Crawford Clinic